CIRCASA online survey on soil organic carbon teaching and training needs

CIRCASA online survey on soil organic carbon teaching and training needs

Current capacity building and training needs surrounding Soil Organic Carbon

As part of the EU’s CIRCASA (Coordination of International Research Cooperation on Soil Carbon Sequestration in Agriculture) project, we are seeking to learn about capacity building and training needs surrounding soil organic carbon (SOC). As part of this process, we are consulting relevant stakeholders in universities and research institutes. We would highly appreciate it if you could find time to complete the questionnaire below. The questionnaire considers current teaching and training activities that include SOC, and stakeholder opinions on teaching and training needs surrounding SOC. The final product will be a report which will help inform a future research strategy for SOC.

Results will form part of the European Strategic Research Agenda for 2020-2025 to support the alignment of research into the International Research Consortium (IRC) on Agricultural soil carbon sequestration. 

If you could complete the survey it would be greatly appreciated, it should take about ~5 mins

Click here to PARTICIPATE 

Open until Feb 9th 2020

Learn more about the IRC

Modification date: 28 August 2023 | Publication date: 21 January 2020 | By: CIRCASA