Stakeholder Advisory Board (StAB)

Stakeholder Advisory Board (StAB)

In order to create a more structured approach to international research cooperation on soil carbon sequestration in agriculture, CIRCASA will prepare a 2020-2025 Strategic Research Agenda on agricultural SOC sequestration co-designed with stakeholders, grounded on scientific evidence and stakeholders' knowledge demands. To engage stakeholders and gather their perspectives CIRCASA is using a combination of an online survey, interviews and workshops in the different regions of the world!

The purpose of the Stakeholder Advisory Board (StAB) is to ensure that we have diverse stakeholder perspectives included in the project. We are very pleased for the  support of the StAB members in this project and thank you in advance for your time and efforts!

Farmers’ organizations

Conservation agriculture and land conservation

Technical and scientific unions and centers

Business and industry

Land users/owners


  • The Nature Conservancy: Dr Deborah BOSSIO Lead Soil Scientist, Global Lands
  • WWF: Dr Birgit WILHELM ,Consultant for sustainable agriculture and resource management at the agriculture department of WWF
  • Vi Agroforestry: Ms Wangu MUTUA, Regional Director